Transformer switches in medicine
Various types of transformer switch, such as the TSRL92109226 or the TSR01-311200, are certified in accordance with the EN61000-4-11 standard. They are therefore suitable for use in medical devices. Reliability and safety are the top priorities for these devices, as otherwise complications may arise.
Transformer switches in medical devices ensure that the device is operational again after a half-wave failure and thus guarantee that the machine does not fail.

Transformer contact switch without inrush current, a prerequisite for EN 60601-1
Since 2007, the testing of electro-medical devices in accordance with the EN 60601-1 standard has been mandatory. This includes testing with voltage dips, half-wave failure (also known as HWA). With a TSRL in front of it, a transformer passes the test without blowing a fuse.
Isolating transformers for rooms used for medical purposes can also be switched on without inrush current by first operating the transformer for a short time via an auxiliary winding and then switching it on fully with just one contactor, which then also switches on the load.
If no TSRL is used, the mains half-wave failure test for medical device transformers in particular triggers the fuse.
Downloads for the medical devices application
Description of the effect of a voltage dip, HWA, with and without TSRL
- 01-Text-HWA-Beschreibung-lg-d.pdf (Transformer without inrush current, not even after mains half-wave failures)
- 02-Fachartikel-Schnelle-reaktion-auf-Halbwellenausfall 04.PDF
- 03-Text-HWA-Beschreibung-gkurz-d 03.pdf
- 04-Messkurven-Halbwellausfall-Wirkung-an-Ringkerntrafo 02.pdf
- 05-Messkurven-Inrush-von-Ringkerntrafo.PDF
- 06-TSRL behaviour to EN61000-4-11.pdf
- 07-Messkurven-von-Wirkung-vom-Ausfall-einer-Halbwelle-ohne-TSRL-an-weichem-Trafo.pdf
- 08-Schaltplan-Tsrl-appl-f-Mediz-nach-Usv-29 01.PDF
- 09-Schaltplan-tsrl-apl-Weitber-m-tiefer-schw-17c.pdf
- 10-Schaltplan-TSRLF-app-230V-50A-med-9e.pdf
Transformer without inrush current, also for medical device isolating transformers without inrush current.
- 10-HIWITRAFO-Teil1-kurz.pdf (Trenntrafos ohne Einschaltstrom und ohne Elektroniksanfteingeschaltet)
- 13-Trenntrafo-hiwi-2kva-1sch-de.pdf
- 13-Trenntrafo-hiwi-2kva-1sch-de.pdf
- 14-trenntrafo-hiwi-4kva-1sch-anzv-m-Elkolast.pdf
- 14-trenntrafo-hiwi-4kva-1sch-anzv-m-Elkolast.pdf
Medical device standard 60601-1-2
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